


SILKA was created to bring the future home. That meant creating a stunning suite of aluminium glazing that kept homes safe and secure as well as delivering the highest thermal performance benefits possible.

The regulations and legislation that cover UK homes and buildings are fast-changing and there has never been more pressure on reducing the carbon footprint of our living spaces. As well as helping the Government to meet Net Zero targets, improving the energy efficiency of homes helps to reduce emissions and heating bills, as well as improving the impact our everyday lives have on the environment.

The next step for UK homes is the Future Homes Standard – a new legislation that will change the rules on the energy performance of our homes. It will mean tighter restrictions on emission levels and increased demand for superior, high-performance buildings.

The SILKA range has been expertly engineered to meet the demand for homes of the future, right now. In order to deliver these much higher levels of energy efficiency, we needed to include top-performing insulated glass units and that’s why the SILKA range is triple glazed as standard.

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Triple glazing features three panes of glass, creating two air gaps that reduce thermal transmission and reduce noise from outside. Essentially, it’s double the air gaps, so double the opportunity to keep cold air out and arm air in, compared to a double-glazed unit. Typically, triple glazing is used in some of the coldest climates, including Scandinavia and parts of Europe, to keep bitter cold outside and retain as much warmth indoors as possible. Currently, windows fitted in UK homes must have a U-Value of 1.4 W/m2K or lower, but this number will change very soon according to new Future Homes Standards, so choosing lower U-values now will futureproof your home. Triple glazing can also improve the acoustic performance of windows if you live in noisy areas, reduce levels of internal condensation and increase the security of windows and doors. For more advice on how to choose the right products to futureproof your home, head to the SILKA Advice Hub.


To create the most incredible levels of thermal efficiency in our windows and doors, we pair high-performance triple glazing with our ground-breaking Thermafill® frame technology. Thermafill® offers edge-to-edge insulation in the form of a unique thermal barrier that further insulates aluminium frames against heat loss. Cleverly designed insulated thermal breaks inside the window and door frames significantly reduce heat transmission. That’s how SILKA offers the ultimate thermal performance for a futureproof home.